Friday, February 25, 2011

Computer Ethics Issues

                      Computer Ethics Issues

Computer Ethics Issues on wiseGEEK:

  • When people speak about computer privacy, they usually are referring to the keeping of an online user's information protected and private. The issues surrounding computer privacy are many. Problems can arise simply by attempting to define "privacy" in the digital world. 

  • Yet even if a company states that employees are allowed to use computers and other property for personal use, there is legal precedent showing that employers can lie about policy and monitor personal activity regardless of claims or policy to the contrary. Company ethics policies further complicate issues of workplace privacy. Some companies require that employees sign agreements that stipulate ethics both in and outside of the workplace. 


    1. After taking the Ethics subject, I learned a lot especially what are the ethical values in the area of information technology.

      In addition, this post of yours also enlightened my mind what are the ethical issues we had tackle the whole semester.

      The post makes me well-informed.
      Like it!!!!

    2. its great..
      we are professional it simply means that we are ethical..
      the word PRIVACY!!! was diminish the real essence of it, in the era of computer age...
